Our Vision

Faith, Ambiton, Courage Endurance.


Facelife foundation, was founded on the campus of East Tennessee State University , by three college roommates. Quice Sumo, Stephond Allmond and Stephen Allmond. These young men had the urge to create a long lasting entity that would change the communities and the world around them. Each one of them had a unique way they were able to “facelife” whether it was through sports, media, or education. These gentlemen were able to come together and build something that was bigger than themselves which is Facelife Foundation. Facelife Foundation is the Faith, Ambition , Courage and Endurance that each individual possesses to deal with the hardships of life . We cater to all populations and this Mission of Faith, Ambition, Courage and Endurance can be applied to every situation and episode in life.
